website content

You’ve Got Three Seconds, Now What Are you Going to Tell Me?

I have just landed on your home page. You now have less than three seconds to hook me and get me to stay. What are you going to say to me? I can’t tell you what it should be. Not without learning much more about your business and your customers. But I can tell you …

Shout as Loud as you Like, Nobody’s Listening

When the pipeline of good leads and prospects starts to dry up, businesses reach for the megaphone. This is a metaphorical megaphone, of course. It’s the one that blasts marketing messages through PPC, social and direct channels. More volume means more attention, right? But what if you’re not shouting things people want to hear? What …

Why be so Secretive About your B2B Customer Experience?

If you are in B2B and your products or services are not 100% unique, you have a customer experience business – that’s it. You might be in accountancy, law, IT, telecoms or just about anything else. The reality is that there are dozens (or possibly more) competitors that your customers or prospects could find in …

What you Say is what you Sow – Words are the Seeds of Prosperity

How much do you value the content on your company website? I mean really value it! Does it have a clearly defined job in securing new leads and customers? Or was it just another item on the list of things to do when the site was created? Perhaps it was a few hundred words you pumped out …

‘We Love your Solution – but We’re not Buying it’

I’m sure everyone in B2B sales and marketing has experienced the ‘irrational’ purchaser. B2B buying decisions often seem to defy common sense. Your prospect accepts that your solution can do things their existing supplier can’t offer; they’re not happy with the customer service they’re currently getting; and your price is competitive. Yet they stick with what, and who, they know. Have you …

Data, Neuroscience and More Intelligent Marketing

The more you understand about how people behave, the easier it is to sell to them. Sounds obvious, right? But how much do we really know about what drives our behaviour? And how much more could you sell if you connected your marketing to how people really make choices and decisions? Giants of the advertising …