
Content Planning is Easy, If…

‘It’s hard coming up with content ideas.’  That’s a common refrain from businesses who get all fired up about content marketing and then falter.  Sound familiar? It’s a bigger problem than just marketing communications. It probably means there are some fundamental issues in your business you need to deal with urgently. ‘We could do something …

Marketing Messages and Persuasive Language – All About Perspective

Marketing messages are elusive so-and-so’s. You want to put your business out there, but you also want to draw the right people in. You want to engage and you need to persuade. How to find the right balance? And how do you find the right language? Faced with the dilemma, faint-hearted B2B marketers revert to …

Know Your Buyers, Embrace Uncertainty and Stop Playing at B2B Marketing

How much do we know about our buyers? In the world of B2B marketing every buyer has a different journey. The length and complexity of that journey will have some kind of proportional relationship with the cost and complexity of your product or service. This is where I should really invent a scientific-looking formula and …

Never Undervalue Empathy, Simple Human Connections and Intuition

Will technology solve all your marketing problems? If you believe the hype you can simply buy the right tech stack, automate the crap out of everything and sit back and wait for the leads to roll in. Heck, sprinkle in a bit of AI and you don’t even have to create the content that feeds …

How Much Detail do you Need for B2B Website Copy?

A tricky question. With so many potential answers if you want to craft the most effective B2B website copy. Perhaps it’s as much detail as the designer leaves you space for? Not the best answer but often the reality for long suffering copywriters. Think about this when you commission somebody to create a new website …