
Why You Need a Unique Selling Proposition for Your Business to Grow

The world of business is loud and booming. Whether you own a fintech company, a restaurant or a consultancy, the chances are you have some fierce competition out there. So, you need to shout and be heard, but what are you shouting about? To put it bluntly, you aren’t unique. There’s no point in investing …

Your B2B Marketing Needs a Distinctive Voice – Here’s Where to Find it

A brand is essentially an expectation. It goes beyond what you sell and says something about what people can expect when they do business with you. A fundamental part of that brand identity is the tone of voice. A brand voice used consistently across all channels helps to reinforce the expectation. Customers and prospects get …

Marketing Research and Positioning – or How We All Got Trumped

First of all, this is not a post about whether or not Trump is a good or bad president, or whether he is even fit to hold that type of office. You’ll have your view, I have mine. That’s not what this is about. The question that should interest every business is this: how did …

Why You Shouldn’t do Content Marketing

I write marketing content for a living. A large proportion of this is for company blogs and is used in what we’ve come to know as content marketing. So you’d think that I’d be a content marketing evangelist. I’m not. First of all, to be an evangelist for anything you need blind faith. That’s not …

Did Your Web Designer Even Mention User Experience?

Despite what you might think, user experience is not just a buzzword or a way to get you to pay more for a web design. It’s part of good web design – but it isn’t the same thing. As a copywriter I am probably highly sensitized when it comes to UX. I spend a lot …